Dear Friend,

As an active public school parent, I watched with heartbreak as our schools remained shuttered for over a year. My middle schooler did not attend school his entire 8th grade year, and my 5th grader returned for only eight days. The emotional toll of their isolation was heavy. And the priorities of our school district did not match student, family, and educator needs. 

Mayor Breed appointed me to the Board of Education four months ago. I have been busy executing on my priorities – strong fiscal discipline, relentless focus on student outcomes, and engaging with diverse communities.

I am running for School Board because we have a huge opportunity to get public education back on track. I can’t do this alone and campaigns take a tremendous amount of time and resources. I hope you will consider chipping in whatever you can – $50, $100, or $250 – to help me get the word out to voters. 

My parents were public school teachers. I have successfully engaged in district issues at school sites and on budget advisory committees for the last decade. I have 20 years of broad-ranging professional experience in state government, business, and nonprofit boards. I listen to all voices, build consensus, ensure responsible governance, and drive to positive outcomes.

Since taking office, we’ve hired a new superintendent, approved a balanced budget, committed to in-person instruction for our students, restored criteria-based admissions at Lowell High School, initiated a process to improve all of our high schools, and are working with our city partners to share resources and shore up financial support.  

There is still so much more work to ensure ALL of our students succeed and are ready for their futures. Join my campaign today, and help make a tangible difference in the lives of our students.


Lainie Motamedi